Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Response to "Aborting Ignorance"

I agree with you regarding your opinion about trying to fix something that is not really broke. I do however see HB 2364 as a means of prevention for future cases that may occur. I actually see her argument of the baby feeling pain as a strong argument. Say a person kills another person with a gunshot in the head, and the victim died instantly, didn’t even feel a thing. Let’s say another person killed someone by slitting his or her “nerves” until the person bled to death in a very painful manner. Who is more to blame, the person who shot with a gun or the person who cut with a knife? In the end all that matters is that two people died. I am in awe of how people think it’s okay to kill someone just because they cannot “feel”. That’s just my personal opinion just as we all have one. That “minimum” number of 420 does not change the fact at all that 77,592 lives were lost. With all due respect, why don’t we just kill bad people with a shot in the head, I’m sure evidence will suggest that they won’t feel a thing.